- EAN13
- 9780692687666
- 978-0-692-68766-6
- Éditeur
- Books on demand
- Date de publication
- 02/2021
- Collection
- Nombre de pages
- 706
- Dimensions
- 24,6 x 18,9 x 3,6 cm
- Poids
- 1241 g
- Langue
- français
- Fiches UNIMARC
- S'identifier
This Internationale Situationniste Bulletin was originally published from 1958 to 1969.A platform for the Situationist International and its members, this revolutionary magazine gave space for literary experimentation and philosophical ruminations on current events and society at large. NAE is publishing this volume as an unedited reproduction of the original, available affordably in accordance with Debord's intentions for mass distribution of the bulletin.
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